How To Start Boxing After A Long Break – 9 Tips & Tricks From Experts

How to start boxing after a long break is a question posed by many athletes. Check out the article below to find the answer!

Boxing brings about various health benefits for its practitioners. However, not everyone knows how to box the right way, especially after a hiatus. Without proper preparation, risks of injuries may end up being unavoidable. 

If you want to learn how to start boxing after a long break, this article is for you. Keep reading and see what you should do before returning to this rigorous sport.

9 Tips On How To Start Boxing After A Long Break

Learning how to box after a long break calls for both mental and physical preparation. If your body does not have enough time to adjust itself to the changes in habits, you may stand a higher chance of failing at the ring.

Take it easy at first

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There is no need to start punching and kicking using 100% of your force the moment you return to the gym. After not exerting yourself for a while, your body might not be ready to give such powerful blows. 

Hence, it is better to ease yourself into your boxing training regime by starting slow.

Kick off with basic moves instead. Do not be too harsh on yourself, since in a way, you are still a newbie. Incorporate other exercises such as strength and cardio to boost your stamina. 

This way, you can sweat and feel good without having to strain your body in the boxing rings.

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Create a routine

Nothing beats the power of habit. Once you are used to boxing again, getting back to the original training regime will be a piece of cake. 

Therefore, make sure to drop by the gym at a designated frequency. Boxing on a daily basis or once every two days is acceptable, as long as you keep the training sessions regularly.

Be cautious while training

Boxing is a highly dangerous sport, as it can inflict serious injuries on your body. If you are reckless during your training sessions, you are more likely to develop unwanted wounds and scars. 

Thus, make sure to stay cautious and be aware of your abilities. There is no need to over-exert yourself if you do not feel like you can cope with the pressure.

Give yourself incentives to keep going

Boxing is all about sharpening your body. But it does not mean that you cannot derive fun from participating in this sport. The best way to keep yourself going is to create a reward system. 

Every time you hit a target at the ring or reach a goal set by personal trainers, do not hesitate to give yourself a bit of a cheat day. Sometimes, it can be the chance to eat your favorite food. 

Or, you can buy yourself something nice if you manage to achieve an important landmark.

Have clear goals

Why do you want to go back to boxing? Is it because you need to increase your speed and power? Or do you simply want to get back in shape? 

Being mindful of what you want to get out of these boxing sessions makes it easier for you to establish a habit. From there, have a set of goals that can motivate you to keep practicing.

Enlist the help of professionals

Most gym centers offer the assistance of professionals for inexperienced boxers. While you might be a veteran, chances are you would forget one thing or two about boxing after taking a long hiatus. 

Therefore, you are advised to seek help from others should you think the training session is taking a toll on your body. Ask them for advice on how to get back to boxing effectively, as well as tips and tricks on how to avoid injuries. 

If possible, ask them a bit more about your daily habits, including your eating and sleeping routines. These small changes to how you navigate your daily life can make drastic improvements in terms of your boxing performance.

Get a boxing buddy

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For some people, training solo may dampen their spirits, as they have no one to enjoy the ups and downs of rigorous boxing sessions together. If this is the case for you, then consider getting a boxing buddy. It can be someone you met at the gym or anyone you know who shares an interest in boxing. 

Training together brings more fun, not to mention how you can motivate the other person to keep your boxing sessions a habit.

Further watch: Pros and cons of having a boxing buddy

Be patient with yourself

It is natural to want to achieve results right away, especially if you are already familiar with this sport. But remember, you have just been back from a long break. 

Your body may no longer recognize the boxing movements and activities. Give it some time and do not expect miraculous recoveries the moment you go back.

Increase the intensity of your boxing sessions gradually

While it is important to take it easy at first, it does not mean that you can excuse yourself for being complacent. After going back to boxing, make sure you start to increase the intensity and duration of each boxing session.

This way, you can effectively improve your resistance and become more at ease with exerting physically at the gym.

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How to start boxing after a long break should no longer be one of your concerns after reading this article. If you find these tips and tricks helpful, make sure to share them with fellow boxers and see what they have to say!

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